Our Everyday Story

At last count I have 1,864 videos on my phone. 75% of them are of Hudson and Nora exploring the world and the rest are probably of Penny the Boxer wonder dog being her goofy self. But what happens next? Where do these video clips go? How will my kids access them as they get older? Will they just forever float in the “cloud”. I wish I had an answer to this question, but I really don’t.


As a photographer and mom I am the family historian, and I have captured my kids beautiful childhood in the stacks of photo books I create each year. I schedule yearly photo sessions to get professional family photos taken. Family photos are on display around our home. But there always seem to be something missing. Maybe it is those 1,864 video clips sitting on my phone. I need something that captures their little voices. The way sound when they sing the alphabet. How they say each other’s names. Photographs tell one part of their story, so it must be video that tells the rest. I made this film for Hudson and Nora. They love it. Watch it again and again. And I watch it with them every time.

Our Everyday Story - A Family Film- Denver Colorado Family Photographer